Visa Information

Visa Types

If you're planning a visit to Dubai, there are various types of tourist visas to accommodate different travel needs, depending on your eligibility:
  1. A single entry tourist visa, valid for 30 days or 60 days
  2. A multiple-entry tourist visa, valid for 30 days or 60 days
  3. A multiple-entry long-term tourist visa, valid for five years
  4. A transit visa, one for 48 hours and another for 96 hours
  5. Visa on arrival, either for 30 days or 90 days contingent on nationality
  6. Visa on arrival for Indians who have a visit visa issued by the USA, or a green card issued by the USA, or a residence visa issued by the UK or the EU.
  7. eVisa for residents of GCC countries (GCC citizens are eligible for visa-free entry). 

Visa requirements and application

IEach visa type has its own requirements for documents that need to be submitted; a few commonly needed documents include:

  • A recent passport photograph
  • A passport or travel document, valid for no less than 6 months
  • Valid health insurance
  • A national identity card in the case of certain nationalities
  • A travel ticket showing an onward journey, and in the case of transit visas, this should be within 96 hours of arriving in Dubai
  • For GCC residents, a copy of your residence permit
  • For visa on arrival for Indian nationals, a permanent residence card (green card) issued by USA or a residence visa issued by UK or European Union countries.

For detailed and up-to-date information, please refer to GDRFA's official website or check with your travel agent. 

Invitation Letters

1. The invitation letter will be issued after the successful registration.
2. Your name must be listed exactly as it appears on your passport. Any differences between the name on your passport and the name on your invitation letter or other documentation could lead to a delay and/or denial of your visa.
3. Please note ICPEME Conferences and the organizing committee of the conference are not authorized to assist with the VISA process beyond providing the Notification of Invitation Letter issued by ICPEME Conferences and conference Committee Board. Should your application be denied, ICPEME Conferences and the organizing committee of the conference cannot change the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nor will ICPEME Conferences and the organizing committee of the conference engage in discussion or correspondence with the MOFA or the Embassy on behalf of the applicant. The registration fee cannot be refunded when the VISA application of individual being denied.
4. It takes around one month for the Embassy to process the VISA application, please register as early as you can to make sure you have enough time.